BREAKING: TIRRC Votes Endorses Steve Mulroy for Shelby County DA

Emily Cupples | | 901-598-6161

The criminal-legal system plays an enormous role in the lives of Black and brown communities, including immigrants. When immigrants interact with the criminal legal system, it can come with the added punishment of deportation and family separation. While most of the country is moving towards criminal legal reform that recognizes the importance of second chances and proportional sentences, Shelby County Memphis DA, Amy Weirich, has been resistant to reform.  Instead, she’s built a notorious reputation locally and nationally for abusing her power, over-criminalizing Black children, and seeking harsh sentences that don’t fit the crime. 

Our criminal legal system should be guided by our values of fairness. The DA plays a big role in how our communities are targeted and treated when interacting with the criminal legal system. We need a DA who centers our values. That's why TIRRC Votes is proud to endorse Steve Mulroy for Shelby County District Attorney. 

With Weirich’s track record and decade-long tenure, It's time to unseat her and elect Steve Mulroy.  Here is how you can help: 

  1. Volunteer with TIRRC Votes - On Saturday, July 9th at 9 AM, we’ll be knocking on doors for Steve Mulroy. Sign up to volunteer to canvass with us by clicking here and signing up for our first shift. We have virtual and in-person opportunities. We will follow up with additional information after registering.

  2. Donate - We cannot continue to build our movement without your financial support. Click here to make a contribution or to become a sustaining donor.

In power,

Lisa Sherman Luna

Executive Director, TIRRC Votes