TIRRC Votes strengthens and expands our democracy by building power in immigrant and refugee communities and advocating for equitable and inclusive public policy.

Protect Immigrant Families. Defend Our Values. Turn The Tide In Tennessee.

TIRRC Votes, the 501(c)(4) affiliate of the Tennessee Immigrant and Refugee Rights Coalition (TIRRC), is doing just that. Celebrating its fifth year, TIRRC Votes is the leading organization in Tennessee capable of building a new electorate and mobilizing the state's progressive base voters, creating a model for effective, immigrant-led political organizations in the Southeast. 

Outside of elections, TIRRC Votes is leading the way at the local and state level in policy advocacy. Every year at the state legislature, TIRRC Votes defeats dozens of anti-immigrant and anti-refugee bills and casts a new narrative about who gets to be a Tennessean. Through rooting electoral organizing in year-round issue advocacy, we are deepening the connection between voters, our organization, and the issues they care about.


Building an Engaged Base of Immigrant and Refugee Voters:

Since 2018, TIRRC Votes has demonstrated the ability to lead large-scale voter engagement campaigns, reaching every single immigrant and refugee voter across Tennessee, using a robust set of strategies including doors, phones, direct mail, text messaging, relational organizing, and digital ads. As a trusted source in the community, we've moved infrequent voters to turn out year after year. 2022 turnout data show that immigrant and refugee voters in our universe were reliably more likely to turn out after receiving treatment from TIRRC Votes, with those engaging in conversations at the door seeing a turnout rate of 50%, higher than the average Tennessee voter.

Mobilizing Low-Propensity Progressive Voters:

Our voter universe not only includes immigrant voters but likely-progressive voters who could be motivated to go to the polls in support of immigrants. By using the Race/Class Narrative structure we've successfully motivated low-income infrequent Black and brown voters in local elections. For example, in the Chattanooga local elections in 2021, 43% of the voters that we mobilized had never voted in a local election before.

Developing Political Infrastructure:

Since 2018, TIRRC Votes has trained 516 first or second generation immigrants or refugees, representing 84 different countries, to knock on doors, phone bank, organize, and register voters. This year, we took the next step by partnering with Asian American Advocacy Fund (AAAF) to co-host the first ever Immigrant and Refugee Candidate and Campaign Staff Training in the South. More than 40 immigrants and refugees from across the region, 19 from Tennessee, joined us in Nashville for a powerful 3 day training on how to run and win successful campaigns up and down the ballot.


Ready to turn the tide in Tennessee? Support our movement today!

Contributions to TIRRC Votes are not deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes.

Photo By: Jon Dragonette

Photo By: Jon Dragonette