Simply put, we need champions like this.

Recent months have made one thing clear—we need bold, unapologetic leaders who not only support immigrant and refugee communities but will combat the rising authoritarianism we see from our current supermajority.

That's why we are endorsing Representative Justin J. Pearson for Tennessee State House District 86.

Rep. Pearson has proven to be a steadfast advocate for the communities he serves, and his commitment to including immigrant and refugee families in his vision for a better Tennessee is clear. After being undemocratically expelled from his seat earlier this year for speaking truth to power, it's time to make sure he gets to serve out the rest of his term. But we need your support to make it happen.

Chip in today to help send Justin J. Pearson back to the state House!


Simply put, we need champions like Rep. Pearson fighting for our communities in the state legislature, on city councils, and mayor’s offices across Tennessee.

We need voters across the state to head to the polls to make sure our communities have champions representing them in state and local offices. Will you make a donation today to make sure we reach every voter in this year's critical elections?

Together we can elect leaders who share our values and will work to build a Tennessee where all of us have the freedom to thrive.


Paid for by TIRRC Votes PAC | Pratik Dash, Treasurer
Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.
P.O. Box 17149 Nashville TN 37217